c:\python24\lib\site-packages\win32 \ com \ server \

0001 """Utilities for Server Side connections.
0003   A collection of helpers for server side connection points.
0004 """
0005 import pythoncom
0006 from exception import Exception
0007 import winerror
0008 from win32com import olectl
0009 import win32com.server.util
0011 # Methods implemented by the interfaces.
0012 IConnectionPointContainer_methods = ["EnumConnectionPoints","FindConnectionPoint"]
0013 IConnectionPoint_methods = ["EnumConnections","Unadvise","Advise","GetConnectionPointContainer","GetConnectionInterface"]
0015 class ConnectableServer:
0016         _public_methods_ = IConnectionPointContainer_methods + IConnectionPoint_methods
0017         _com_interfaces_ = [pythoncom.IID_IConnectionPoint, pythoncom.IID_IConnectionPointContainer]
0018         # Clients must set _connect_interfaces_ = [...]
0019         def __init__(self):
0020                 self.cookieNo = 0
0021                 self.connections = {}
0022         # IConnectionPoint interfaces
0023         def EnumConnections(self):
0024                 raise Exception(winerror.E_NOTIMPL)
0025         def GetConnectionInterface(self):
0026                 raise Exception(winerror.E_NOTIMPL)
0027         def GetConnectionPointContainer(self):
0028                 return win32com.server.util.wrap(self)
0029         def Advise(self, pUnk):
0030                 # Creates a connection to the client.  Simply allocate a new cookie,
0031                 # find the clients interface, and store it in a dictionary.
0032                 try:
0033                         interface = pUnk.QueryInterface(self._connect_interfaces_[0],pythoncom.IID_IDispatch)
0034                 except pythoncom.com_error:
0035                         raise Exception(scode=olectl.CONNECT_E_NOCONNECTION)
0036                 self.cookieNo = self.cookieNo + 1
0037                 self.connections[self.cookieNo] = interface
0038                 return self.cookieNo
0039         def Unadvise(self, cookie):
0040                 # Destroy a connection - simply delete interface from the map.
0041                 try:
0042                         del self.connections[cookie]
0043                 except KeyError:
0044                         raise Exception(scode=winerror.E_UNEXPECTED)
0045         # IConnectionPointContainer interfaces
0046         def EnumConnectionPoints(self):
0047                 raise Exception(winerror.E_NOTIMPL)
0048         def FindConnectionPoint(self, iid):
0049                 # Find a connection we support.  Only support the single event interface.
0050                 if iid in self._connect_interfaces_:
0051                         return win32com.server.util.wrap(self)
0053         def _BroadcastNotify(self, broadcaster, extraArgs):
0054                 # Broadcasts a notification to all connections.
0055                 # Ignores clients that fail.
0056                 for interface in self.connections.values():
0057                         try:
0058                                 apply(broadcaster, (interface,)+extraArgs)
0059                         except pythoncom.com_error, details:
0060                                 self._OnNotifyFail(interface, details)
0062         def _OnNotifyFail(self, interface, details):
0063                 print "Ignoring COM error to connection - %s" % (`details`)

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