0001 # testDictionary.py 0002 # 0003 import sys 0004 import win32com.server.util 0005 import win32com.test.util 0006 import win32com.client 0007 import traceback 0008 import pythoncom 0009 import pywintypes 0010 import winerror 0011 L=pywintypes.Unicode 0012 0013 import unittest 0014 0015 error = "dictionary test error" 0016 0017 def MakeTestDictionary(): 0018 return win32com.client.Dispatch("Python.Dictionary") 0019 0020 def TestDictAgainst(dict,check): 0021 for key, value in check.items(): 0022 if dict(key) != value: 0023 raise error, "Indexing for '%s' gave the incorrect value - %s/%s" % (`key`, `dict[key]`, `check[key]`) 0024 0025 # Ensure we have the correct version registered. 0026 def Register(quiet): 0027 import win32com.server.register 0028 from win32com.servers.dictionary import DictionaryPolicy 0029 win32com.server.register.RegisterClasses(DictionaryPolicy, quiet=quiet) 0030 0031 def TestDict(quiet=None): 0032 if quiet is None: 0033 quiet = not "-v" in sys.argv 0034 Register(quiet) 0035 0036 if not quiet: print "Simple enum test" 0037 dict = MakeTestDictionary() 0038 checkDict = {} 0039 TestDictAgainst(dict, checkDict) 0040 0041 dict["NewKey"] = "NewValue" 0042 checkDict["NewKey"] = "NewValue" 0043 TestDictAgainst(dict, checkDict) 0044 0045 dict["NewKey"] = None 0046 del checkDict["NewKey"] 0047 TestDictAgainst(dict, checkDict) 0048 0049 if not quiet: 0050 print "Failure tests" 0051 try: 0052 dict() 0053 raise error, "default method with no args worked when it shouldnt have!" 0054 except pythoncom.com_error, (hr, desc, exc, argErr): 0055 if hr != winerror.DISP_E_BADPARAMCOUNT: 0056 raise error, "Expected DISP_E_BADPARAMCOUNT - got %d (%s)" % (hr, desc) 0057 0058 try: 0059 dict("hi", "there") 0060 raise error, "multiple args worked when it shouldnt have!" 0061 except pythoncom.com_error, (hr, desc, exc, argErr): 0062 if hr != winerror.DISP_E_BADPARAMCOUNT: 0063 raise error, "Expected DISP_E_BADPARAMCOUNT - got %d (%s)" % (hr, desc) 0064 0065 try: 0066 dict(0) 0067 raise error, "int key worked when it shouldnt have!" 0068 except pythoncom.com_error, (hr, desc, exc, argErr): 0069 if hr != winerror.DISP_E_TYPEMISMATCH: 0070 raise error, "Expected DISP_E_TYPEMISMATCH - got %d (%s)" % (hr, desc) 0071 0072 if not quiet: 0073 print "Python.Dictionary tests complete." 0074 0075 class TestCase(win32com.test.util.TestCase): 0076 def testDict(self): 0077 TestDict() 0078 0079 if __name__=='__main__': 0080 unittest.main() 0081
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