0001 import sys, os 0002 import struct 0003 import unittest 0004 import copy 0005 0006 import win32con 0007 import pythoncom 0008 from win32com.shell import shell 0009 from win32com.shell.shellcon import * 0010 from win32com.storagecon import * 0011 0012 import win32com.test.util 0013 0014 class ShellTester(win32com.test.util.TestCase): 0015 def testShellLink(self): 0016 desktop = str(shell.SHGetSpecialFolderPath(0, CSIDL_DESKTOP)) 0017 num = 0 0018 shellLink = pythoncom.CoCreateInstance(shell.CLSID_ShellLink, None, pythoncom.CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, shell.IID_IShellLink) 0019 persistFile = shellLink.QueryInterface(pythoncom.IID_IPersistFile) 0020 for base_name in os.listdir(desktop): 0021 name = os.path.join(desktop, base_name) 0022 try: 0023 persistFile.Load(name,STGM_READ) 0024 except pythoncom.com_error: 0025 continue 0026 # Resolve is slow - avoid it for our tests. 0027 #shellLink.Resolve(0, shell.SLR_ANY_MATCH | shell.SLR_NO_UI) 0028 fname, findData = shellLink.GetPath(0) 0029 unc = shellLink.GetPath(shell.SLGP_UNCPRIORITY)[0] 0030 num += 1 0031 self.failIf(num<3, "Only found %d items on the desktop??" % num) 0032 0033 def testShellFolder(self): 0034 sf = shell.SHGetDesktopFolder() 0035 names_1 = [] 0036 for i in sf: # Magically calls EnumObjects 0037 name = sf.GetDisplayNameOf(i, SHGDN_NORMAL) 0038 names_1.append(name) 0039 0040 # And get the enumerator manually 0041 enum = sf.EnumObjects(0, SHCONTF_FOLDERS | SHCONTF_NONFOLDERS | SHCONTF_INCLUDEHIDDEN) 0042 names_2 = [] 0043 for i in enum: 0044 name = sf.GetDisplayNameOf(i, SHGDN_NORMAL) 0045 names_2.append(name) 0046 names_1.sort() 0047 names_2.sort() 0048 self.assertEqual(names_1, names_2) 0049 0050 class PIDLTester(win32com.test.util.TestCase): 0051 def _rtPIDL(self, pidl): 0052 pidl_str = shell.PIDLAsString(pidl) 0053 pidl_rt = shell.StringAsPIDL(pidl_str) 0054 self.assertEqual(pidl_rt, pidl) 0055 pidl_str_rt = shell.PIDLAsString(pidl_rt) 0056 self.assertEqual(pidl_str_rt, pidl_str) 0057 0058 def _rtCIDA(self, parent, kids): 0059 cida = parent, kids 0060 cida_str = shell.CIDAAsString(cida) 0061 cida_rt = shell.StringAsCIDA(cida_str) 0062 self.assertEqual(cida, cida_rt) 0063 cida_str_rt = shell.CIDAAsString(cida_rt) 0064 self.assertEqual(cida_str_rt, cida_str) 0065 0066 def testPIDL(self): 0067 # A PIDL of "\1" is: cb pidl cb 0068 expect = "\03\00" "\1" "\0\0" 0069 self.assertEqual(shell.PIDLAsString(["\1"]), expect) 0070 self._rtPIDL(["\0"]) 0071 self._rtPIDL(["\1", "\2", "\3"]) 0072 self._rtPIDL(["\0" * 2048] * 2048) 0073 # PIDL must be a list 0074 self.assertRaises(TypeError, shell.PIDLAsString, "foo") 0075 0076 def testCIDA(self): 0077 self._rtCIDA(["\0"], [ ["\0"] ]) 0078 self._rtCIDA(["\1"], [ ["\2"] ]) 0079 self._rtCIDA(["\0"], [ ["\0"], ["\1"], ["\2"] ]) 0080 0081 class FILEGROUPDESCRIPTORTester(win32com.test.util.TestCase): 0082 def _testRT(self, fd): 0083 fgd_string = shell.FILEGROUPDESCRIPTORAsString([fd]) 0084 fd2 = shell.StringAsFILEGROUPDESCRIPTOR(fgd_string)[0] 0085 0086 fd = fd.copy() 0087 fd2 = fd2.copy() 0088 0089 # The returned objects *always* have dwFlags and cFileName. 0090 if not fd.has_key('dwFlags'): 0091 del fd2['dwFlags'] 0092 if not fd.has_key('cFileName'): 0093 self.assertEqual(fd2['cFileName'], '') 0094 del fd2['cFileName'] 0095 0096 self.assertEqual(fd, fd2) 0097 0098 def testSimple(self): 0099 fgd = shell.FILEGROUPDESCRIPTORAsString([]) 0100 header = struct.pack("i", 0) 0101 self.assertEqual(header, fgd[:len(header)]) 0102 self._testRT(dict()) 0103 d = dict() 0104 fgd = shell.FILEGROUPDESCRIPTORAsString([d]) 0105 header = struct.pack("i", 1) 0106 self.assertEqual(header, fgd[:len(header)]) 0107 self._testRT(d) 0108 0109 def testComplex(self): 0110 clsid = pythoncom.MakeIID("{CD637886-DB8B-4b04-98B5-25731E1495BE}") 0111 d = dict(cFileName="foo.txt", 0112 clsid=clsid, 0113 sizel=(1,2), 0114 pointl=(3,4), 0115 dwFileAttributes = win32con.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0116 ftCreationTime=pythoncom.MakeTime(10), 0117 ftLastAccessTime=pythoncom.MakeTime(11), 0118 ftLastWriteTime=pythoncom.MakeTime(12), 0119 nFileSize=sys.maxint + 1) 0120 self._testRT(d) 0121 0122 class FileOperationTester(win32com.test.util.TestCase): 0123 def setUp(self): 0124 import tempfile 0125 self.src_name = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "pywin32_testshell") 0126 self.dest_name = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "pywin32_testshell_dest") 0127 self.test_data = "Hello from\0Python" 0128 f=file(self.src_name, "wb") 0129 f.write(self.test_data) 0130 f.close() 0131 try: 0132 os.unlink(self.dest_name) 0133 except os.error: 0134 pass 0135 0136 def tearDown(self): 0137 for fname in (self.src_name, self.dest_name): 0138 if os.path.isfile(fname): 0139 os.unlink(fname) 0140 0141 def testCopy(self): 0142 s = (0, # hwnd, 0143 FO_COPY, #operation 0144 self.src_name, 0145 self.dest_name) 0146 0147 rc, aborted = shell.SHFileOperation(s) 0148 self.failUnless(not aborted) 0149 self.failUnlessEqual(0, rc) 0150 self.failUnless(os.path.isfile(self.src_name)) 0151 self.failUnless(os.path.isfile(self.dest_name)) 0152 0153 def testRename(self): 0154 s = (0, # hwnd, 0155 FO_RENAME, #operation 0156 self.src_name, 0157 self.dest_name) 0158 rc, aborted = shell.SHFileOperation(s) 0159 self.failUnless(not aborted) 0160 self.failUnlessEqual(0, rc) 0161 self.failUnless(os.path.isfile(self.dest_name)) 0162 self.failUnless(not os.path.isfile(self.src_name)) 0163 0164 def testMove(self): 0165 s = (0, # hwnd, 0166 FO_MOVE, #operation 0167 self.src_name, 0168 self.dest_name) 0169 rc, aborted = shell.SHFileOperation(s) 0170 self.failUnless(not aborted) 0171 self.failUnlessEqual(0, rc) 0172 self.failUnless(os.path.isfile(self.dest_name)) 0173 self.failUnless(not os.path.isfile(self.src_name)) 0174 0175 def testDelete(self): 0176 s = (0, # hwnd, 0177 FO_DELETE, #operation 0178 self.src_name, None, 0179 FOF_NOCONFIRMATION) 0180 rc, aborted = shell.SHFileOperation(s) 0181 self.failUnless(not aborted) 0182 self.failUnlessEqual(0, rc) 0183 self.failUnless(not os.path.isfile(self.src_name)) 0184 0185 if __name__=='__main__': 0186 win32com.test.util.testmain() 0187
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