c:\python24\lib \

0001 """General floating point formatting functions.
0003 Functions:
0004 fix(x, digits_behind)
0005 sci(x, digits_behind)
0007 Each takes a number or a string and a number of digits as arguments.
0009 Parameters:
0010 x:             number to be formatted; or a string resembling a number
0011 digits_behind: number of digits behind the decimal point
0012 """
0014 import re
0016 __all__ = ["fix","sci","NotANumber"]
0018 # Compiled regular expression to "decode" a number
0019 decoder = re.compile(r'^([-+]?)0*(\d*)((?:\.\d*)?)(([eE][-+]?\d+)?)$')
0020 # \0 the whole thing
0021 # \1 leading sign or empty
0022 # \2 digits left of decimal point
0023 # \3 fraction (empty or begins with point)
0024 # \4 exponent part (empty or begins with 'e' or 'E')
0026 try:
0027     class NotANumber(ValueError):
0028         pass
0029 except TypeError:
0030     NotANumber = 'fpformat.NotANumber'
0032 def extract(s):
0033     """Return (sign, intpart, fraction, expo) or raise an exception:
0034     sign is '+' or '-'
0035     intpart is 0 or more digits beginning with a nonzero
0036     fraction is 0 or more digits
0037     expo is an integer"""
0038     res = decoder.match(s)
0039     if res is None: raise NotANumber, s
0040     sign, intpart, fraction, exppart =,2,3,4)
0041     if sign == '+': sign = ''
0042     if fraction: fraction = fraction[1:]
0043     if exppart: expo = int(exppart[1:])
0044     else: expo = 0
0045     return sign, intpart, fraction, expo
0047 def unexpo(intpart, fraction, expo):
0048     """Remove the exponent by changing intpart and fraction."""
0049     if expo > 0: # Move the point left
0050         f = len(fraction)
0051         intpart, fraction = intpart + fraction[:expo], fraction[expo:]
0052         if expo > f:
0053             intpart = intpart + '0'*(expo-f)
0054     elif expo < 0: # Move the point right
0055         i = len(intpart)
0056         intpart, fraction = intpart[:expo], intpart[expo:] + fraction
0057         if expo < -i:
0058             fraction = '0'*(-expo-i) + fraction
0059     return intpart, fraction
0061 def roundfrac(intpart, fraction, digs):
0062     """Round or extend the fraction to size digs."""
0063     f = len(fraction)
0064     if f <= digs:
0065         return intpart, fraction + '0'*(digs-f)
0066     i = len(intpart)
0067     if i+digs < 0:
0068         return '0'*-digs, ''
0069     total = intpart + fraction
0070     nextdigit = total[i+digs]
0071     if nextdigit >= '5': # Hard case: increment last digit, may have carry!
0072         n = i + digs - 1
0073         while n >= 0:
0074             if total[n] != '9': break
0075             n = n-1
0076         else:
0077             total = '0' + total
0078             i = i+1
0079             n = 0
0080         total = total[:n] + chr(ord(total[n]) + 1) + '0'*(len(total)-n-1)
0081         intpart, fraction = total[:i], total[i:]
0082     if digs >= 0:
0083         return intpart, fraction[:digs]
0084     else:
0085         return intpart[:digs] + '0'*-digs, ''
0087 def fix(x, digs):
0088     """Format x as [-]ddd.ddd with 'digs' digits after the point
0089     and at least one digit before.
0090     If digs <= 0, the point is suppressed."""
0091     if type(x) != type(''): x = repr(x)
0092     try:
0093         sign, intpart, fraction, expo = extract(x)
0094     except NotANumber:
0095         return x
0096     intpart, fraction = unexpo(intpart, fraction, expo)
0097     intpart, fraction = roundfrac(intpart, fraction, digs)
0098     while intpart and intpart[0] == '0': intpart = intpart[1:]
0099     if intpart == '': intpart = '0'
0100     if digs > 0: return sign + intpart + '.' + fraction
0101     else: return sign + intpart
0103 def sci(x, digs):
0104     """Format x as [-]d.dddE[+-]ddd with 'digs' digits after the point
0105     and exactly one digit before.
0106     If digs is <= 0, one digit is kept and the point is suppressed."""
0107     if type(x) != type(''): x = repr(x)
0108     sign, intpart, fraction, expo = extract(x)
0109     if not intpart:
0110         while fraction and fraction[0] == '0':
0111             fraction = fraction[1:]
0112             expo = expo - 1
0113         if fraction:
0114             intpart, fraction = fraction[0], fraction[1:]
0115             expo = expo - 1
0116         else:
0117             intpart = '0'
0118     else:
0119         expo = expo + len(intpart) - 1
0120         intpart, fraction = intpart[0], intpart[1:] + fraction
0121     digs = max(0, digs)
0122     intpart, fraction = roundfrac(intpart, fraction, digs)
0123     if len(intpart) > 1:
0124         intpart, fraction, expo = \
0125             intpart[0], intpart[1:] + fraction[:-1], \
0126             expo + len(intpart) - 1
0127     s = sign + intpart
0128     if digs > 0: s = s + '.' + fraction
0129     e = repr(abs(expo))
0130     e = '0'*(3-len(e)) + e
0131     if expo < 0: e = '-' + e
0132     else: e = '+' + e
0133     return s + 'e' + e
0135 def test():
0136     """Interactive test run."""
0137     try:
0138         while 1:
0139             x, digs = input('Enter (x, digs): ')
0140             print x, fix(x, digs), sci(x, digs)
0141     except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt):
0142         pass

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