c:\python24\lib \ idlelib \

0001 from Tkinter import *
0002 import SearchEngine
0003 from SearchDialogBase import SearchDialogBase
0005 def replace(text):
0006     root = text._root()
0007     engine = SearchEngine.get(root)
0008     if not hasattr(engine, "_replacedialog"):
0009         engine._replacedialog = ReplaceDialog(root, engine)
0010     dialog = engine._replacedialog
0013 class ReplaceDialog(SearchDialogBase):
0015     title = "Replace Dialog"
0016     icon = "Replace"
0018     def __init__(self, root, engine):
0019         SearchDialogBase.__init__(self, root, engine)
0020         self.replvar = StringVar(root)
0022     def open(self, text):
0023, text)
0024         try:
0025             first = text.index("sel.first")
0026         except TclError:
0027             first = None
0028         try:
0029             last = text.index("sel.last")
0030         except TclError:
0031             last = None
0032         first = first or text.index("insert")
0033         last = last or first
0034         self.show_hit(first, last)
0035         self.ok = 1
0037     def create_entries(self):
0038         SearchDialogBase.create_entries(self)
0039         self.replent = self.make_entry("Replace with:", self.replvar)
0041     def create_command_buttons(self):
0042         SearchDialogBase.create_command_buttons(self)
0043         self.make_button("Find", self.find_it)
0044         self.make_button("Replace", self.replace_it)
0045         self.make_button("Replace+Find", self.default_command, 1)
0046         self.make_button("Replace All", self.replace_all)
0048     def find_it(self, event=None):
0049         self.do_find(0)
0051     def replace_it(self, event=None):
0052         if self.do_find(self.ok):
0053             self.do_replace()
0055     def default_command(self, event=None):
0056         if self.do_find(self.ok):
0057             self.do_replace()
0058             self.do_find(0)
0060     def replace_all(self, event=None):
0061         prog = self.engine.getprog()
0062         if not prog:
0063             return
0064         repl = self.replvar.get()
0065         text = self.text
0066         res = self.engine.search_text(text, prog)
0067         if not res:
0068             text.bell()
0069             return
0070         text.tag_remove("sel", "1.0", "end")
0071         text.tag_remove("hit", "1.0", "end")
0072         line = res[0]
0073         col = res[1].start()
0074         if self.engine.iswrap():
0075             line = 1
0076             col = 0
0077         ok = 1
0078         first = last = None
0079         # XXX ought to replace circular instead of top-to-bottom when wrapping
0080         text.undo_block_start()
0081         while 1:
0082             res = self.engine.search_forward(text, prog, line, col, 0, ok)
0083             if not res:
0084                 break
0085             line, m = res
0086             chars = text.get("%d.0" % line, "%d.0" % (line+1))
0087             orig =
0088             new = m.expand(repl)
0089             i, j = m.span()
0090             first = "%d.%d" % (line, i)
0091             last = "%d.%d" % (line, j)
0092             if new == orig:
0093                 text.mark_set("insert", last)
0094             else:
0095                 text.mark_set("insert", first)
0096                 if first != last:
0097                     text.delete(first, last)
0098                 if new:
0099                     text.insert(first, new)
0100             col = i + len(new)
0101             ok = 0
0102         text.undo_block_stop()
0103         if first and last:
0104             self.show_hit(first, last)
0105         self.close()
0107     def do_find(self, ok=0):
0108         if not self.engine.getprog():
0109             return False
0110         text = self.text
0111         res = self.engine.search_text(text, None, ok)
0112         if not res:
0113             text.bell()
0114             return False
0115         line, m = res
0116         i, j = m.span()
0117         first = "%d.%d" % (line, i)
0118         last = "%d.%d" % (line, j)
0119         self.show_hit(first, last)
0120         self.ok = 1
0121         return True
0123     def do_replace(self):
0124         prog = self.engine.getprog()
0125         if not prog:
0126             return False
0127         text = self.text
0128         try:
0129             first = pos = text.index("sel.first")
0130             last = text.index("sel.last")
0131         except TclError:
0132             pos = None
0133         if not pos:
0134             first = last = pos = text.index("insert")
0135         line, col = SearchEngine.get_line_col(pos)
0136         chars = text.get("%d.0" % line, "%d.0" % (line+1))
0137         m = prog.match(chars, col)
0138         if not prog:
0139             return False
0140         new = m.expand(self.replvar.get())
0141         text.mark_set("insert", first)
0142         text.undo_block_start()
0143         if
0144             text.delete(first, last)
0145         if new:
0146             text.insert(first, new)
0147         text.undo_block_stop()
0148         self.show_hit(first, text.index("insert"))
0149         self.ok = 0
0150         return True
0152     def show_hit(self, first, last):
0153         text = self.text
0154         text.mark_set("insert", first)
0155         text.tag_remove("sel", "1.0", "end")
0156         text.tag_add("sel", first, last)
0157         text.tag_remove("hit", "1.0", "end")
0158         if first == last:
0159             text.tag_add("hit", first)
0160         else:
0161             text.tag_add("hit", first, last)
0162         text.see("insert")
0163         text.update_idletasks()
0165     def close(self, event=None):
0166         SearchDialogBase.close(self, event)
0167         self.text.tag_remove("hit", "1.0", "end")

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