c:\python24\lib \ test \

0001 #! /usr/bin/env python
0002 from test.test_support import verbose, verify
0003 from types import TupleType, StringType, IntType
0004 import __future__
0006 GOOD_SERIALS = ("alpha", "beta", "candidate", "final")
0008 features = __future__.all_feature_names
0010 # Verify that all_feature_names appears correct.
0011 given_feature_names = features[:]
0012 for name in dir(__future__):
0013     obj = getattr(__future__, name, None)
0014     if obj is not None and isinstance(obj, __future__._Feature):
0015         verify(name in given_feature_names,
0016                "%r should have been in all_feature_names" % name)
0017         given_feature_names.remove(name)
0018 verify(len(given_feature_names) == 0,
0019        "all_feature_names has too much: %r" % given_feature_names)
0020 del given_feature_names
0022 for feature in features:
0023     value = getattr(__future__, feature)
0024     if verbose:
0025         print "Checking __future__ ", feature, "value", value
0027     optional = value.getOptionalRelease()
0028     mandatory = value.getMandatoryRelease()
0030     verify(type(optional) is TupleType, "optional isn't tuple")
0031     verify(len(optional) == 5, "optional isn't 5-tuple")
0032     major, minor, micro, level, serial = optional
0033     verify(type(major) is IntType, "optional major isn't int")
0034     verify(type(minor) is IntType, "optional minor isn't int")
0035     verify(type(micro) is IntType, "optional micro isn't int")
0036     verify(isinstance(level, basestring), "optional level isn't string")
0037     verify(level in GOOD_SERIALS,
0038            "optional level string has unknown value")
0039     verify(type(serial) is IntType, "optional serial isn't int")
0041     verify(type(mandatory) is TupleType or
0042            mandatory is None, "mandatory isn't tuple or None")
0043     if mandatory is not None:
0044         verify(len(mandatory) == 5, "mandatory isn't 5-tuple")
0045         major, minor, micro, level, serial = mandatory
0046         verify(type(major) is IntType, "mandatory major isn't int")
0047         verify(type(minor) is IntType, "mandatory minor isn't int")
0048         verify(type(micro) is IntType, "mandatory micro isn't int")
0049         verify(isinstance(level, basestring), "mandatory level isn't string")
0050         verify(level in GOOD_SERIALS,
0051                "mandatory serial string has unknown value")
0052         verify(type(serial) is IntType, "mandatory serial isn't int")
0053         verify(optional < mandatory,
0054                "optional not less than mandatory, and mandatory not None")
0056     verify(hasattr(value, "compiler_flag"),
0057            "feature is missing a .compiler_flag attr")
0058     verify(type(getattr(value, "compiler_flag")) is IntType,
0059            ".compiler_flag isn't int")

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