c:\python24\lib \ test \

0001 '''
0002 Tests for fileinput module.
0003 Nick Mathewson
0004 '''
0006 from test.test_support import verify, verbose, TESTFN
0007 import sys, os, re
0008 from StringIO import StringIO
0009 from fileinput import FileInput
0011 # The fileinput module has 2 interfaces: the FileInput class which does
0012 # all the work, and a few functions (input, etc.) that use a global _state
0013 # variable.  We only test the FileInput class, since the other functions
0014 # only provide a thin facade over FileInput.
0016 # Write lines (a list of lines) to temp file number i, and return the
0017 # temp file's name.
0018 def writeTmp(i, lines):
0019     name = TESTFN + str(i)
0020     f = open(name, 'w')
0021     f.writelines(lines)
0022     f.close()
0023     return name
0025 pat = re.compile(r'LINE (\d+) OF FILE (\d+)')
0027 def remove_tempfiles(*names):
0028     for name in names:
0029         try:
0030             os.unlink(name)
0031         except:
0032             pass
0034 def runTests(t1, t2, t3, t4, bs=0, round=0):
0035     start = 1 + round*6
0036     if verbose:
0037         print '%s. Simple iteration (bs=%s)' % (start+0, bs)
0038     fi = FileInput(files=(t1, t2, t3, t4), bufsize=bs)
0039     lines = list(fi)
0040     fi.close()
0041     verify(len(lines) == 31)
0042     verify(lines[4] == 'Line 5 of file 1\n')
0043     verify(lines[30] == 'Line 1 of file 4\n')
0044     verify(fi.lineno() == 31)
0045     verify(fi.filename() == t4)
0047     if verbose:
0048         print '%s. Status variables (bs=%s)' % (start+1, bs)
0049     fi = FileInput(files=(t1, t2, t3, t4), bufsize=bs)
0050     s = "x"
0051     while s and s != 'Line 6 of file 2\n':
0052         s = fi.readline()
0053     verify(fi.filename() == t2)
0054     verify(fi.lineno() == 21)
0055     verify(fi.filelineno() == 6)
0056     verify(not fi.isfirstline())
0057     verify(not fi.isstdin())
0059     if verbose:
0060         print '%s. Nextfile (bs=%s)' % (start+2, bs)
0061     fi.nextfile()
0062     verify(fi.readline() == 'Line 1 of file 3\n')
0063     verify(fi.lineno() == 22)
0064     fi.close()
0066     if verbose:
0067         print '%s. Stdin (bs=%s)' % (start+3, bs)
0068     fi = FileInput(files=(t1, t2, t3, t4, '-'), bufsize=bs)
0069     savestdin = sys.stdin
0070     try:
0071         sys.stdin = StringIO("Line 1 of stdin\nLine 2 of stdin\n")
0072         lines = list(fi)
0073         verify(len(lines) == 33)
0074         verify(lines[32] == 'Line 2 of stdin\n')
0075         verify(fi.filename() == '<stdin>')
0076         fi.nextfile()
0077     finally:
0078         sys.stdin = savestdin
0080     if verbose:
0081         print '%s. Boundary conditions (bs=%s)' % (start+4, bs)
0082     fi = FileInput(files=(t1, t2, t3, t4), bufsize=bs)
0083     verify(fi.lineno() == 0)
0084     verify(fi.filename() == None)
0085     fi.nextfile()
0086     verify(fi.lineno() == 0)
0087     verify(fi.filename() == None)
0089     if verbose:
0090         print '%s. Inplace (bs=%s)' % (start+5, bs)
0091     savestdout = sys.stdout
0092     try:
0093         fi = FileInput(files=(t1, t2, t3, t4), inplace=1, bufsize=bs)
0094         for line in fi:
0095             line = line[:-1].upper()
0096             print line
0097         fi.close()
0098     finally:
0099         sys.stdout = savestdout
0101     fi = FileInput(files=(t1, t2, t3, t4), bufsize=bs)
0102     for line in fi:
0103         verify(line[-1] == '\n')
0104         m = pat.match(line[:-1])
0105         verify(m != None)
0106         verify(int( == fi.filelineno())
0107     fi.close()
0110 def writeFiles():
0111     global t1, t2, t3, t4
0112     t1 = writeTmp(1, ["Line %s of file 1\n" % (i+1) for i in range(15)])
0113     t2 = writeTmp(2, ["Line %s of file 2\n" % (i+1) for i in range(10)])
0114     t3 = writeTmp(3, ["Line %s of file 3\n" % (i+1) for i in range(5)])
0115     t4 = writeTmp(4, ["Line %s of file 4\n" % (i+1) for i in range(1)])
0117 # First, run the tests with default and teeny buffer size.
0118 for round, bs in (0, 0), (1, 30):
0119     try:
0120         writeFiles()
0121         runTests(t1, t2, t3, t4, bs, round)
0122     finally:
0123         remove_tempfiles(t1, t2, t3, t4)
0125 # Next, check for proper behavior with 0-byte files.
0126 if verbose:
0127     print "13. 0-byte files"
0128 try:
0129     t1 = writeTmp(1, [""])
0130     t2 = writeTmp(2, [""])
0131     t3 = writeTmp(3, ["The only line there is.\n"])
0132     t4 = writeTmp(4, [""])
0133     fi = FileInput(files=(t1, t2, t3, t4))
0134     line = fi.readline()
0135     verify(line == 'The only line there is.\n')
0136     verify(fi.lineno() == 1)
0137     verify(fi.filelineno() == 1)
0138     verify(fi.filename() == t3)
0139     line = fi.readline()
0140     verify(not line)
0141     verify(fi.lineno() == 1)
0142     verify(fi.filelineno() == 0)
0143     verify(fi.filename() == t4)
0144     fi.close()
0145 finally:
0146     remove_tempfiles(t1, t2, t3, t4)
0148 if verbose:
0149     print "14. Files that don't end with newline"
0150 try:
0151     t1 = writeTmp(1, ["A\nB\nC"])
0152     t2 = writeTmp(2, ["D\nE\nF"])
0153     fi = FileInput(files=(t1, t2))
0154     lines = list(fi)
0155     verify(lines == ["A\n", "B\n", "C", "D\n", "E\n", "F"])
0156     verify(fi.filelineno() == 3)
0157     verify(fi.lineno() == 6)
0158 finally:
0159     remove_tempfiles(t1, t2)

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