c:\python24\lib \ test \

0001 from test.test_support import verbose, verify, TestFailed
0002 import sys
0003 import new
0005 class Eggs:
0006     def get_yolks(self):
0007         return self.yolks
0009 print 'new.module()'
0010 m = new.module('Spam')
0011 if verbose:
0012     print m
0013 m.Eggs = Eggs
0014 sys.modules['Spam'] = m
0015 import Spam
0017 def get_more_yolks(self):
0018     return self.yolks + 3
0020 print 'new.classobj()'
0021 C = new.classobj('Spam', (Spam.Eggs,), {'get_more_yolks': get_more_yolks})
0022 if verbose:
0023     print C
0024 print 'new.instance()'
0025 c = new.instance(C, {'yolks': 3})
0026 if verbose:
0027     print c
0028 o = new.instance(C)
0029 verify(o.__dict__ == {},
0030        "new __dict__ should be empty")
0031 del o
0032 o = new.instance(C, None)
0033 verify(o.__dict__ == {},
0034        "new __dict__ should be empty")
0035 del o
0037 def break_yolks(self):
0038     self.yolks = self.yolks - 2
0039 print 'new.instancemethod()'
0040 im = new.instancemethod(break_yolks, c, C)
0041 if verbose:
0042     print im
0044 verify(c.get_yolks() == 3 and c.get_more_yolks() == 6,
0045        'Broken call of hand-crafted class instance')
0046 im()
0047 verify(c.get_yolks() == 1 and c.get_more_yolks() == 4,
0048        'Broken call of hand-crafted instance method')
0050 # It's unclear what the semantics should be for a code object compiled at
0051 # module scope, but bound and run in a function.  In CPython, `c' is global
0052 # (by accident?) while in Jython, `c' is local.  The intent of the test
0053 # clearly is to make `c' global, so let's be explicit about it.
0054 codestr = '''
0055 global c
0056 a = 1
0057 b = 2
0058 c = a + b
0059 '''
0061 ccode = compile(codestr, '<string>', 'exec')
0062 # Jython doesn't have a __builtins__, so use a portable alternative
0063 import __builtin__
0064 g = {'c': 0, '__builtins__': __builtin__}
0065 # this test could be more robust
0066 print 'new.function()'
0067 func = new.function(ccode, g)
0068 if verbose:
0069     print func
0070 func()
0071 verify(g['c'] == 3,
0072        'Could not create a proper function object')
0074 # test the various extended flavors of
0075 def f(x):
0076     def g(y):
0077         return x + y
0078     return g
0079 g = f(4)
0080 new.function(f.func_code, {}, "blah")
0081 g2 = new.function(g.func_code, {}, "blah", (2,), g.func_closure)
0082 verify(g2() == 6)
0083 g3 = new.function(g.func_code, {}, "blah", None, g.func_closure)
0084 verify(g3(5) == 9)
0085 def test_closure(func, closure, exc):
0086     try:
0087         new.function(func.func_code, {}, "", None, closure)
0088     except exc:
0089         pass
0090     else:
0091         print "corrupt closure accepted"
0093 test_closure(g, None, TypeError) # invalid closure
0094 test_closure(g, (1,), TypeError) # non-cell in closure
0095 test_closure(g, (1, 1), ValueError) # closure is wrong size
0096 test_closure(f, g.func_closure, ValueError) # no closure needed
0098 print 'new.code()'
0099 # bogus test of new.code()
0100 # Note: Jython will never have new.code()
0101 if hasattr(new, 'code'):
0102     def f(a): pass
0104     c = f.func_code
0105     argcount = c.co_argcount
0106     nlocals = c.co_nlocals
0107     stacksize = c.co_stacksize
0108     flags = c.co_flags
0109     codestring = c.co_code
0110     constants = c.co_consts
0111     names = c.co_names
0112     varnames = c.co_varnames
0113     filename = c.co_filename
0114     name = c.co_name
0115     firstlineno = c.co_firstlineno
0116     lnotab = c.co_lnotab
0117     freevars = c.co_freevars
0118     cellvars = c.co_cellvars
0120     d = new.code(argcount, nlocals, stacksize, flags, codestring,
0121                  constants, names, varnames, filename, name,
0122                  firstlineno, lnotab, freevars, cellvars)
0124     # test backwards-compatibility version with no freevars or cellvars
0125     d = new.code(argcount, nlocals, stacksize, flags, codestring,
0126                  constants, names, varnames, filename, name,
0127                  firstlineno, lnotab)
0129     try: # this used to trigger a SystemError
0130         d = new.code(-argcount, nlocals, stacksize, flags, codestring,
0131                      constants, names, varnames, filename, name,
0132                      firstlineno, lnotab)
0133     except ValueError:
0134         pass
0135     else:
0136         raise TestFailed, "negative co_argcount didn't trigger an exception"
0138     try: # this used to trigger a SystemError
0139         d = new.code(argcount, -nlocals, stacksize, flags, codestring,
0140                      constants, names, varnames, filename, name,
0141                      firstlineno, lnotab)
0142     except ValueError:
0143         pass
0144     else:
0145         raise TestFailed, "negative co_nlocals didn't trigger an exception"
0147     try: # this used to trigger a Py_FatalError!
0148         d = new.code(argcount, nlocals, stacksize, flags, codestring,
0149                      constants, (5,), varnames, filename, name,
0150                      firstlineno, lnotab)
0151     except TypeError:
0152         pass
0153     else:
0154         raise TestFailed, "non-string co_name didn't trigger an exception"
0156     # new.code used to be a way to mutate a tuple...
0157     class S(str): pass
0158     t = (S("ab"),)
0159     d = new.code(argcount, nlocals, stacksize, flags, codestring,
0160                  constants, t, varnames, filename, name,
0161                  firstlineno, lnotab)
0162     verify(type(t[0]) is S, "eek, tuple changed under us!")
0164     if verbose:
0165         print d

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